Halloween was really busy around here this year with the new baby, but we managed to have plenty of fun. We took Alice to the Fall Festival at the library the week before Eleanor was born, "just in case" we had a baby and she had to miss out on trick-or-treating. She wanted to be a "fairy princess ballerina" for the event, so we raided her dress-up clothes and did our best to come up with a costume for this.
Daddy helping Alice make a pumpkin craft at the fall festival
Here she is ready to go to the Halloween party at Children's Day Out
Eleanor was a dragon and she stayed home with mommy and helped pass out candy to the neighborhood kids while Daddy and Alice went trick-or-treating
Alice was a a ladybug for the big event. She and Jeff managed to return from trick-or-treating with enough candy to cause a mouthful of cavities. We are currently rationing the loot, and will probably still have some left over next year!
All of the Merrell girls ready for Halloween