Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Beginnings and Valentine's Day 2013

I have found that with 2 small children it is almost impossible for me to find time to post more than once a month, so I am going to do my best to keep everyone updated about that often.  Maybe one of these days I will be able to post more frequently, but for now, here are some of the highlights and happenings from January and early February.
It's a new year and baby Eleanor is growing like a weed!  It is so hard to believe she is already 3 and 1/2 months old.  Here are some of the latest pics of her...
We think "mostly bald" is beautiful around here ;)  It looks like we are going to have another blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty on our hands!

 All smiles!  Nothing makes this kid giggle more than Alice and Daddy playing peek-a-boo with her.
                                        Getting some love from Daddy                                         
 Here is a shot of her I thought was particularly sweet. Eleanor really is a happy (mostly!), loveable baby, and if she had her way she would be held by someone every hour of the day!
Alice is so proud of her new tutu, and couldn't wait to show it off at school.  Here she is practicing her twirls in the bathroom
Alice has also become quite the little sous chef.  She loves to bake and is always "helping out" in the kitchen these days.  On this day we were making a special cake for family dinner.
Her favorite part of cooking...

 Daddy and Alice took some time to enjoy the 7 inches of snow we got during the second week of February, and then we made snow ice cream.  Alice loved it! 

Mommy and the littlest snow angel all gussied up before a birthday party

 Alice had a great time making her valentines for school this year.  I found something similar to this on Pinterest and then tweaked it so that she could actually help to decorate them.  She picked out the exact sucker she wanted each of her classmates to have ;)

 Valentine's Day cuties

In February we had the opportunity to meet a very big celebrity who was visiting our local library.  Getting to hug Clifford made Alice's day!