Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Happenings

Here are a few of the things we were up to in April...
Here are a couple of pictures I took of Alice wearing her new tea party princess dress.  I wound up using one of the for her birthday party invitation.  This girl is definitely not camera shy.  What a ham!

Here are a few shots I took when we headed to Lubbock for a Saturday to see a baseball game and for Drew's birthday party.
Alice at the ball park.  She was loving the new baseball cap!
Daddy and Aunt Melissa snuggling up with Baby Eleanor during the game

Drew and Alice watching the game from the Suburban.  Cute cousins!


Drew's Birthday Party
Matthew the Clown.  I think he should totally get himself hired out! 
Eleanor enjoyed the party too and loved watching all of the kids playing and hanging out with the birthday boy!
Alice even got an early birthday present from Mimi.  Ride 'em cowgirl!  She believes she is riding a bucking bronco... I wonder what will be the first thing in our house to get broken with the stick horse!
Daddy was the luckiest (and maybe the least productive) man at Lowe's with both a stroller and a little princess in tow.
Our little Eleanor turned 6 months old.  It is hard to believe she is growing so fast.  She is sitting up on her own now, and wants to be a part of the action these days.  She gets so excited when Alice talks to her, so I have a feeling they are going to be great playmates soon...if Alice will let her play with any of the toys.  We are in a "mine" phase right now.

Let the birthday festivities begin!  Alice was so excited about turning 3 that she couldn't sleep for days.  On Friday she got to take some special cookies that she helped bake to her classmates at
 St. Paul. 

The one gift she consistently asked for was a Cinderella dress.  Here she is in her new royal duds.  I really do think she is the "fairest of them all"  and her outfit is complete with what she calls "tippy toe shoes".  All of the princesses have them, you know...LOL

Here is a cute photo I took of the girls hanging out together one morning before I took Alice to ballet class.

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